
Eurosatory 2022

  • Do you want an assured, auditable and transparent training and exercise management system to support your training needs?

  • Do you want to improve the quality of your collective training and exercise management across the live, virtual and constructive spectrum?

  • Do you want empirical evidence with which to support operational and capability development decisions?

  • Do you want to be able to distribute and digitalise training for more cost-effective results?

  • Then it’s time to train for the future with Exonaut®.

Visit us at this year’s Eurosatory where we will be showing you how to achieve all these things and much more with the latest release of our end-to-end Exonaut platform. We will be holding regular demonstrations of the software throughout the event. Our training experts will be on hand to explain more and answer any questions you have about digitalising training and exercise management.

Exonaut in brief

Exonaut software enables armed forces to direct, plan, programme, design, manage, optimise and evaluate complex exercises, training progressions and experimentation. The NATO Secret accredited, data-driven system empowers users to take evidence-based decisions, from a single version of that truth, to build capabilities and increase training readiness.

Exonaut is used by NATO, and many of its members and partners, including the Australian, British, Canadian, Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish, Swiss and US armed forces. It is available as a standalone solution or with expert onsite support during the planning, execution and assessment of exercises.

4C experts at Eurosatory include:

  • Graeme Mackay

    Head of Military Sales 4C Intl

    Graeme joined the British Army as an Officer in the Royal Tank Regiment, where he held a variety of roles. Over the years, he specialised in Main Battle Tanks, counter-CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear defence) and Military Training. As the Senior Instructor and stand-in Commander for a time, at the Army’s Reconnaissance and Armoured Tactics school, he trained all new Tank and Armoured Infantry Commanders.

    Read more about Graeme and how he supported Joint Horizon 21

  • David Paterson

    Military Director 4C Strategies, Former Brigadier British Army

    David began a 30-year military career, as an infantryman in the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers. In 2003 as Lieutenant Colonel, he commanded the Fusilier Battlegroup that led the British Division into Iraq. Subsequently, as a Colonel, he ran the British Army’s Collective Training in Germany, and later led the development of Land Concepts at the UK’s Development, Concepts and Doctrine Centre. As a Brigadier, he commanded the NATO Combined Training Advisory Group in Afghanistan training and fielding the Afghan Army. His last appointment in the British Army, was as Chief of Training for HQ Allied Rapid Reaction Corps where he was responsible for the training and development of the UK’s Land Component and JTFHQ contribution to NATO.

    Read more about David and his role at 4C Strategies

  • Geir Fonstad

    Head of Military Sales 4C Nordics

    Geir joined the Norwegian Armed Forces straight out of school, rising through the ranks from Inspection Officer and Company Commander to become a Colonel specialising in Army / Joint Signals (CIS) and Cyber Defence. In his different appointments he has supported allied armed forces throughout the world, including multiple assignments with NATO. His final posting was as the Executive Assistant to Deputy Chief of Staff Joint Force Development Allied Command Transformation in the US.

    Read more about Geir and his role at 4C Strategies

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  • About Eurosatory

    Eurosatory, the international reference for land and airland Defence and Security exhibition, takes place every two years in order to gather the whole offer and demand of the domains.

    The international exhibition is based on four pillars:

  • International: Eurosatory brings together worldwide exhibitors, visitors and journalists

  • Business: Eurosatory offers to exhibitors, and also visitors, various services in order to help them to develop their commercial opportunities

  • Technologic showcase: Eurosatory presents in life-size numerous equipment and systems

  • A forum for ideas: Eurosatory supports exchanges of views about the evolution of Defence and Security between all the players of the domains. Many conferences are organised all along the exhibition.

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