Background: An attack on, or major disruption to critical infrastructure can be devastating for a nation and its people. In the case of the Nordic region, the impact can be felt in several countries. Pan-Nordic collaboration is essential to safeguard critical infrastructure. Statnett wanted to improve the situational and relationship awareness among the many stakeholders that would be involved in such a crisis.
Challenge: Test, evaluate and improve the capability of Norwegian Statnett and regulating authorities, Computer Emergency Response Teams (CERTs) and transmission system operators in all five Nordic countries to respond to a cross-border cyber-attack, at both operational and political levels.
Solution: 4C Cyber Training and Exercises combine education with escalating real-life scenarios to challenge organisations’ incident/crisis management capabilities in a collaborative, fun and demanding environment for attendees.
Benefits: Governmental officials gain a better understanding of how to respond and cooperate in a crisis and the potential consequences of their actions. Additionally, they build cross-border relationships with the people they must interact with in a major incident. Ultimately, building Nordic crisis management capability.
Customer: Statnett is the Norwegian, state-owned enterprise responsible for managing, operating and maintaining the national grid to ensure a continuous power supply throughout Norway.