Background: KTH, The Royal Institute of Technology brings together students, researchers, and educators worldwide, across its five campuses. Its legacy incident reporting solution, however, was low tech. Reported incidents had to be transferred between systems when security staff returned from patrols, basic analysis reports took days to produce so presumptions were often made about incident hotspots. The university needed a modern, scalable solution.
Challenge: Digitalize incident reporting and analysis from multiple campuses in line with strict regulatory requirements, while supporting roadmap for new functions.
Solution: Exonaut is an innovative tool for organizations that want to take a proactive approach to reporting, monitoring, and analyzing incidents.
Benefits: Incident reporting time has been reduced by 50 percent, management can easily view, understand, and make decisions using intuitive operation reports.
Customer: KTH, The Royal Institute of Technology has 17,000 students, over 5,000 employees and five campuses located throughout Stockholm, Sweden. Established in 1827, notable alumni include Alfred Nobel, the founder of the Nobel Prize and Astronaut Christer Fuglesang.