Background: Collective Training (CT) at the British Army is planned, programmed and largely designed at Collective Training Group (CTG) and delivered at a number of distributed Collective Training Establishments (CTEs) predominantly across UK, Germany, Canada, Kenya and Belize. Ensuring that training data flows smoothly and securely between CTG and the CTEs and from Live, Virtual and Constructive Simulations is a major challenge. Relevant data must be available at the point of need in order to facilitate evidence-based decision making and to ensure exercises are as efficient and effective as possible. A single, digitised, end to end Collective Training and Exercise Management System (CTEMS) was a requirement.
Challenge: Meet the British Army requirements for a Collective Training Exercise Management capability. It must support the training design, delivery and assurance tasks necessary to ensure the Army meets the training readiness requirements directed by UK Defence.
Solution: Since 2014, Exonaut® has been the British Army’s solution of choice to meet this requirement. Exonaut enables users to plan, design and deliver training against specified objectives, assess performance, track training progression, dynamically manage exercises, and provide hard data with which to make evidence-based training decisions. It enables the exploitation of best practice and training lessons.
Customer: The British Army maintains contingent forces at high readiness and deploys forces on Operations across the globe; these must be appropriately trained through a directed, dynamic and assured training progression across a wide variety of training environments utilising a blend of Live, Virtual and Constructive (LVC) Training methods.