Exonaut Solutions

Resilience Software

Increase the resilience of your organization. Combine planning, preparation, prevention, response, and recovery in and integrated platform to ensure you are fully equipped to handle the threats, uncertainties and disruptions that lie ahead.

Drive growth, take strategic advantage of risk, and thrive in adversity

Gathering all your resilience activities in one tool brings organization-wide structure and speeds up your ability to respond.

Best in class security

NATO Secret accreditation, IASMECyber Essentials PLUS

SaaS/Hybrid/On Prem

Flexible deployment methods to
meet needs.

Easy to scale

Scale as needs evolve according to
user numbers and capabilities.

Featured by Gartner

Trusted by the Fortune 500, governments, international organizations, and gamechangers to digitalize and build resilience operations.

One platform for all
your Resilience needs


The Power of Exercising

Effective exercising increases organizational resilience, yet many organizations overlook some of the key components for success.

Learn More

Why choose 4C?

Off the shelf or tailored solutions

Increase Crisis Response Times
x 6
Reduce Incident Reporting Times
50 %
Increase Continuity Oversight
40 %
Speed up report generation
x 20

“Building resilience and capability with industry-wide exercises like this is one of the most powerful tools we have for facing an uncertain future and ensuring the continued success of our industry.”

Hozefa Badri
Head of Business Continuity & 
Incident Management (BCIM) 
HSBC, Hong Kong & Macau

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Aliquam consequuntur debitis deserunt eos laborum libero minima, molestias nostrum officia optio rem suscipit veniam, veritatis! A consequuntur dolorum eveniet molestias tempora."

Jakub Glos
WP Developer

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