4C Insights

Delivering a remote crisis simulation exercise in the midst of a pandemic

Digital exercise using our software Exonaut

What started as a distributed simulation exercise to be carried out on site in Brussels ended up being delivered completely remotely through our Exonaut software from our ´Exercise Delivery Hubs’ in London and Stockholm. The 4C team worked together with the Client and 10 participating institutions from Europe’s financial sector to re-design the exercise in this new exercise delivery format, while still meeting all exercise outcomes and objectives.

Why conduct an exercise in the midst of a pandemic?

The risk landscape has changed during COVID-19, but is still multifaceted and non COVID-related incidents will continue to happen. It is more important than ever to ensure that your organisation continues to remain resilient to future incidents. The benefits of running an exercise during this period are:

  • Your organisation will learn how to respond to an incident whilst working remotely,
  • Your organisation will gain the ability to manage the response to multiple incidents at once,
  • It creates an opportunity for teams to come together and participate in a stimulating exercise,
  • By conducting an exercise, you will identify areas of improvements that might affect your organisation during and after the pandemic and hence you can approach these areas in a proactive manner.

Three key challenges in delivering exercises during COVID-19

4C Strategies has years of experience delivering exercises remotely, well before it became the “new normal” due to COVID restrictions. We have developed our software Exonaut to support us in all aspects of a remote exercise. For this particular exercise, we have catered our solution around the top three challenges that we identified with the Client.

Would you like to find out more about how we conducted this exercise?
Don’t hesitate to get in contact with our Team Leads on the project, Mathilda Jansson and Ben White.


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