4C News

4C hosts Exonaut® Military User Forum in Stockholm

Defence User Forum
More than 60 military professionals & decision makers from 7 nations were invited, all currently using Exonaut® as their software solution for military capability development and tracking training risk.

4C Strategies, the world’s premier readiness solution provider, hosted the annual Exonaut® Defence User Forum in Stockholm, Sweden, on the 8th / 9th of May. More than 60 military professionals & decision makers from 7 nations were invited, all currently using Exonaut® as their software solution for military capability development and tracking training risk.

“The security situation is deteriorating in our part of the world. Military tensions are slowly rising and the importance of military readiness is higher today than it has been for decades. In order to increase our readiness, we build solid partnerships with like-minded nations and the Exonaut User Forum supports that effort. Exonaut has been in use in the Swedish Armed Forces since 2001. We are now increasing our use of the system in order for it to be used in all our capability development efforts,” says Lt Col Lars Carlstein, Head of training and evaluation branch at the Swedish Armed Forces HQ.

During the two-day event, held at the Swedish Army Museum, the topics ranged from NATO exercise programming, US Army Objective T, the VIKING & AURORA exercises to experimentation in the British Army Warfighting Experiment. 4C also presented the Exonaut Development Roadmap including capability enhancements and new features, such as interoperability with NATO objectives and advanced simulation integration, which will give Armed Forces new possibilities with the software.

“It is a privilege to host an event where so many of our clients can share their experiences and best practices of our Exonaut® Software Suite. Not only does it help Armed Forces to develop their national methods for capability development, but it also demonstrates the need for cooperation in the exercise domain. This in turn can create further value for Armed Forces, saving tax-payers money and increasing the effect of military training,” says BG (Ret) David Paterson, Director of Group Military Business Development at 4C Strategies.

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