As production is critical for their customers, high requirements are imposed on how to safeguard delivery. Cytiva works in many different ways, both with inventory management, where prefabricated products are stored for different intervals depending on internal and external requirements, and with their suppliers when it comes to raw material supply. This makes it possible, in the event of a major incident, to continue to supply goods until normal production is resumed.
Of course, they also work to ensure that production can continue as normal if something happens at one of their facilities. If production is nevertheless disrupted, what do they do then? That’s an example of where we have supported Cytiva with their Business Continuity Management.
In this case, Business Continuity Management includes the entire chain of resilience activities, not only dealing immediately with the emergency but also strategic crisis management and then business continuity. In addition to this work, we are also proud to have helped them to become certified to ISO 22301, the international standard for Business Continuity Management.
Our main contact person in the assignment, Niclas Johansson, is based in Uppsala and is Business Continuity Manager for Cytiva.”
Niclas, what was it like to work with 4C Strategies?
Niclas: “It’s been excellent. Throughout the entire process, 4C Strategies have contributed with their expertise as well as with their flexible and innovative working methods.”
What have been 4C Strategies’ most important contributions?
Niclas: “Expertise, know-how and above all, they have taken responsibility and shown great commitment for the areas they have been driving during implementation. I would also like to mention their constant drive to achieve results.”
An important part of the assignment has been the ISO certification, what has this meant for you?
Niclas: “It confirms to our customers that we have processes in place so that we can manage well incident and crisis situations. It also shows that we can keep supplying our products continuously. We also have a dedicated organisation focusing on continuous supply (Security of Supply) that helps us to take a holistic perspective.”
We go back to Nils. How did the cooperation start?
Nils: “We were contacted back in 2014 to help GE Healthcare Life Sciences (now Cytiva) with a project in the United States, in which we carried out analyses and drafted a continuity plan for a facility. The work later continued with the development of a framework, that is an actual management system for continuity management. Together we have drafted the policy and manual which spells out what they should do and how it should be done and also set out the structure for how they should work with these issues at each facility.
In cooperation with Cytiva, we developed all the workshop material for how the facilities should collect all the data, we developed risk assessment templates, business continuity plan templates, we have conducted exercises, written crisis management plans and provided constant support during their business continuity management ISO certification process.”
When and how did the issue of ISO certification arise?
Nils: “They decided quite early on in our cooperation that they wanted to ISO-certify a number of facilities for their business continuity management. We set out a plan for how to proceed and then we have helped all the production facilities to successfully complete the ISO certification. The seventh and final facility successfully gained its certification in 2019. It’s one thing to do analyses, collect data and write a continuity plan, but then it comes to the actual ISO certifying of everything. That is a fairly difficult task.”